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Register for free for Zoom Town classes (that take place on Zoom) below. If the classes are full when you try to register, you can fill out this form to be put on the waitlist. We will try to fit you in or give you priority registration for future classes.



Help keep Alamander accessible to all families!


In order to keep our program accessible, all of our online classes, content and projects are free! If you are able to contribute financially, please make a donation to help Alamander get through this Covid year.


Zoom Town Registration


Two important things:


Classes will be recorded

In order to share this curriculum with all the campers who would like to participate, we will be recording these classes and editing them to share with campers who could not attend afterward.  If you do not want your camper to be in these recordings, you can leave their camera off, position their face outside of the camera shot, or sit the live sessions out and watch the recordings afterward.  Reach out to us at with any questions!


Classes have limited space. If the class is full (says “No Appointments are available this month” when you click the class) when you try to sign up, you can fill out this form to be put on the waitlist/priority registration list for the next week. We will do our best to make it equitable.



weekly structure


On Monday

morning meeting

we will introduce the theme and brainstorm with campers.  This is similar to what we do at our in-person camps, and gives space for campers to have input in the trajectory of the session and feel ownership over our work together. If you can’t make that meeting, your child will be able to watch it afterwards, or get an introduction to the week from the weekly video.

On Wednesday

art class

focuses on a particular project (see schedule below) that fits into the week’s theme. Our Zoom Town head counselor, Jane, will walk campers through the project, answer questions, and initiate conversations to inspire creativity and connection between campers. This class has limited space, but will be able to be viewed afterward.  If there are more interested campers than spaces, we will give campers who have been waitlisted for a class the first opportunity for entrance to the next class.

On Thursday

we will have a playdate and read aloud.

This program is made with younger campers in mind, but everyone is welcome! We will use our Zoom Town citizens (or other characters you like to play with at home!) to play and interact on Zoom. 

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